If you wish  to create a more peaceful inner and outer world, this website will provide tools to help you do so. By using the mindful exercises, guided meditations and blog reflections, along with the information shared in my books, you will have all you need e to better manage the small and large challenges that you face.

Whether you are dealing with a mind/body health crisis, a relationship/professional issue, or an active inner critic, these tools will assist you in successfully managing the personal storms that threaten your health, self-agency and peace of mind. 

We each have the ability to redefine our lives at any given time. If we choose intentionally, and mindfully in each moment, we will lay the groundwork to live an empowered life; if we make our choices unconsciously--or allow others to define our lives for us, we will live less authentically and with conflict. I hope the resources offered here will support you in living a happier, healthier, and more authentic life.

Mindfully yours,
Teri B. Racey

The Six Empowering Steps listed below, can be used to process a specific mind/body or relationship challenge, or to uncover and calm your critical self-talk. These steps will help move you through your challenge--taking you from confusion to clarity. There is no right or wrong way to work the steps. They simply provide a workable structure to better understand ourselves and our circumstances. The practices of mindfulness meditation, mindful self-awareness, when combined with the other mindful exercises shared in my books, will help you stay calm and focused so you can work through the steps, cultivate inner peace, and learn to love yourself mindfully. 

Note: These steps are explained in detail within my books. 

The Six Steps:
1. Become Aware
2. Observe to Understand
3. Own and Choose
4. Embrace the Full Chaos
5. Celebrate Your Commitment to Change.
6. Walk Your Path with an Illumined Heart.

Cultivating wisdom & strength on the  Road to Self-Mastery

The Six Empowering Steps

Our mind and body are designed to work in synergy; but our daily stressors create disharmony. This guided meditation will help you cultivate mindful self-awareness so you may relax your busy mind and re-establish mind/body harmony.

Note: To experience a more restful nights sleep use this scan just before bed-time. 




To Love Ourselves Mindfully means to cherish and nurture our mind, body, and spirit. Caring tenderly for ourselves also calls us to be attentive to what is unhealthy for us-like critical self-talk. Our inner critic can be relentless in both its judgments and negative self-talk; but this book will help you calm your inner critic and turn your self talk from critical to kind. using the language of love.

Life's storms arrive unannounced, and our challenges are often not of our choosing. Yet they have their value. Just as exercise grows muscles and endurance, challenges grow self-knowledge and wisdom. This journal is an expanded version of Master of the Storm Journal (below) which will help you understand and process  your challenges while cultivating self-mastery. 

This book shares the wisdom from the author's lifelong tornado dreams as revealed to her through her journaling. This deeper self-knowledge helped her better understand the challenges both she and her patients face. Teri shares the original sketches to help readers gain comfort in the process of mindful sketching.   

This Journal is a primer for the process of mindful journaling and a companion  to the Master of the Storm book above. The six step process was inspired by the Master of the Storm poem which arose from Teri's journaling. In time, the poem morphed into the Six Steps to Self Mastery, and later evolved into the Six Steps to Calming Your Inner Critic .

Loving ourselves mindfully: 6
steps to calming the inner critic

master your storms, master your life

master of the storm

master of the storm journal